Foods as Medicine


Asparagus helps promote elimination  through urine. It is considered a liver tonic and  contains amino acids.

For arthritis and urinary problems,  drink the water of asparagus after it has been steamed.

Freshly cooked asparagus will help detoxify the  liver, aid in digestion, and may help control breast  tenderness and bloating during PMS.

Eating fresh asparagus can help with symptoms of hepatitis.



Avocado — although saturated in fatty oils —  is rich in vitamins A, C, E and B-complex. It is used  for skin treatments and has antibacterial and anti-fungal  properties.

Avocado paste can be used to help treat dry  skin, rashes, and other skin problems by applying the  paste to the affected area. 

It also soothes sunburn,  and the paste applied to the face can act as a facial for mild eczema.

Eating avocados regularly can  help with digestive problems.

Avocado can help release  toxins from the body.



Cabbage is  known for its anti-inflammatory properties. As a regular part of the diet, cabbage acts as an anti-cancer agent. It is high in amino acids, potassium and magnesium.

Dab a little white cabbage juice on mouth sores or gargle with white cabbage juice to help soothe a sore throat.

Drink fresh cabbage juice daily to reduce the distress of gastric ulcers, asthma, headaches, bronchitis,  psoriasis and cystitis, and to disinfect the  colon.

A warm cabbage leaf compress placed on the head  can help reduce headaches. Cabbage leaves  can relieve sore, infected eyes.



Onions can help the body “weep” by releasing toxins and increasing blood circulation. This bulb vegetable also strengthens  the lungs and helps reduce cholesterol levels. Onions  have vitamins A, B, C and E.

If you have an abscessed tooth or a boil, apply a piece of onion to that area to draw out infection and encourage circulation for faster healing.

For minor earaches,  place a roasted onion on the ear.

Ingesting onions can  help with gastric infections and disorders.

For  sprains or bruises, apply a finely chopped, moistened onion.

Onion — whether cooked or raw — is a natural antibiotic and draws out infection.



Celery can be used to calm the nerves, reduce high blood pressure,  reduce spasms in the digestive tract and stimulate the  thyroid. 

It is full of vitamins A, B and C.

Celery seeds can be used as an anti-inflammatory, and when digested can reduce arthritis pain and relieve muscle  spasms.

Raw, grated celery can be used as a poultice and  applied to swollen glands.

Celery juice can act  as a digestive aid.

Eating raw celery can help stimulate  the thyroid and pituitary glands.



“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is not too far from the  truth. Apples can lower cholesterol levels, clean teeth,  help gums, and prevent constipation, and are full  of vitamins.

Drinking apple juice three times a day can  help prevent viruses from spreading.

For heartburn and digestive problems, eat an apple with every meal.

 Two medium apples a day reduce cholesterol levels  by 10 percent.

Eating fresh apples daily can help  with gout and rheumatism.

Apples or apple juice are a  wonderful treatment for infections, hoarseness and  fatigue, and are a good source of energy.

Fresh apples  are good for the mouth, teeth and gums.



Lemons are rich in potassium and high in vitamins B and C. They have 

many therapeutic properties, including anti-fungal  and antiseptic, 

and also aid in digestion.

Lemon juice used on cuts can help stop bleeding.

Lemons act as a natural insecticide, working well to keep away flies and mosquitoes.

Drinking a  combination of lemon juice and warm water each morning helps to detoxify the liver.

Regular use of  fresh lemon can be a good treatment for 

haemorrhoids,  kidney stones and varicose veins.

A few drops of fresh  lemon can help cold sores and mouth ulcers, and can  help freshen the tongue and breath.

A slice of lemon on  your favourite foods each day can help strengthen the  circulatory and immune systems.

Lemon, either squeezed or  bottled, can help with colds and flu, and is a  beneficial treatment for other infections.



Rice contains high levels of carbohydrates. It is  rich in vitamin A, B, C and E. In addition,  rice has high levels of potassium, iron, and is  sodium-free. Rice is a good digestive aid. It helps lower and blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Eating rice each day can help reduce heartburn and oedema, and it can lower blood pressure.

Drinking rice  water (the water after rice has been steamed) can calm  an upset stomach.

Ingested before a menstrual cycle, rice  can help reduce 

bloating and symptoms of PMS.

A rice flour poultice can help with acne, burns, and other  skin disorders.



Potatoes are filled with potassium and vitamins A and C. They are extremely nutritional and are a wonderful source of fibre.  In addition, potatoes have alkaline which helps detoxify  the body.

Eaten daily, potatoes can help prevent  constipation, heart disease and symptoms of  irritable bowel syndrome.

Eating a raw potato can help  reduce heartburn.

Potato juice helps relieve stomach  ulcers and arthritis pain.

A warm baked potato applied to  the elbow can help ease discomfort of tennis  elbow.



Oats are extremely rich in  minerals and vitamin B. Oats help lower cholesterol  levels, balance hormones, and they are considered an all-around therapeutic food.

Eating raw oats can ease  constipation.

Cooked oats eaten daily can relieve  fatigue, lower blood cholesterol, and can help reduce  depression, stress, addictions and other nervous  disorders.

It is said that eating oatmeal on a regular  basis can help 

prevent colon cancer.



Carrots were one of the first vegetables used  for medicinal purposes. Carrots are rich in vitamins A, B,  C and E, and are one of the best sources of  beta-carotene. They also contain high levels of calcium. Many believe carrots are good for liver energy and act as an anti-inflammatory.

Eaten daily, raw carrots can help relieve eye and skin disorders. They can also help with glandular problems, and  they may help regulate menstrual cycles.

Carrot soup is good for diarrhoea. It slows the bowel while it regulates bacterial growth.

Drinking carrot  juice each day can energize and cleanse the body. 

It can help boost the immune system and may help relieve effects of fatigue and stress.

Dried  carrot powder can help with headaches and joint problems.

Carrots are an antitoxin.



Honey has  many medicinal purposes — from treating allergies to soothing coughs and sore throats — and it has vitamins and amino  acids, too. It can help retain calcium in the  body.

Honey water can be used as an eye lotion if the eye  is infected.

Honey and lemon mixed together makes an  excellent cough remedy.

Honey is a wonderful moisturizer.  It has soothing effects on raw tissue, and can be  rubbed on the skin.

A teaspoon of honey can help soothe a  sore throat and help with respiratory  infections.

Honey rubbed on athlete’s foot several times  a day can helps reduce itching and may promote  healing.

Honey mixed with apple cider vinegar can help  with arthritic deposits.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar helps retain calcium in the body. It  encourages strong bones, hair and nails. Vinegar is  considered an antibacterial and antiseptic.

Apply vinegar to wasp stings to reduce swelling.

Simmer vinegar in a pan with a little water, cover with a towel, and inhale to reduce spasms from bronchitis and lung  infections.

Drink vinegar daily to treat thrush.

Drink a cup of hot water to which a tablespoon of vinegar and  a spoonful of honey has been added to help with  coughs, colds, respiratory infection. This mixture may  also help ease the discomfort of arthritis pain.

 Sip vinegar first thing in the morning (before breakfast) to  reduce appetite and encourage digestion.



There are a variety of breads on the market:  whole wheat, seven-grain, 12-grain, white, potato, rye,  oat, sprouted. Each provides a variety of vitamins and important  nutrients. Bread is can an anti-inflammatory as well as a  styptic (stops bleeding).

Apply cold bread to closed eyes  to reduce irritated eyes and swelling.

Put a  piece of fresh bread on a wound to stop bleeding.

Apply  warm bread to infected cuts to reduce pain and itching.

Apply hot bread to a boil to ease the pain and bring the boil to a head.


All foods have properties and agents that aid the body in natural health and prevention. A number of foods can help with  minor ailments and health concerns; foods that  are commonly found in most kitchens. (Remember, if you have a serious health condition, seek medical advice.)