Maggi is a healer and transformation expert located part time in Sydney and part time in Phnom Penh.
Her inspiration is to help you to tune, refine and harmonise your body, mind and spirit. To inspire,guide and support you towards balance and health in all areas of your life.
Importantly Maggi will support your intention to find health solutions and support your choices to move towards a state of dynamic beauty and strength. She specialises in health management for both acute and chronic illnesses. For healthy people she can help you build a path toward greater constitutional health, physical fitness, mental acuity, emotional stability and spiritual realisation.
Maggi offers a selection of physical therapies, physical disciplines, counselling techniques and seminars, health education and a supportive, sustaining network to help move you towards overall well-being. The Bowen Technique, Sacro-Cranial Technique, Remedial Massage, Foot Realignment, Homoeopathy, Spiritual Counselling and Yoga.
Maggi uses individual lessons and class structures for the physical training regimes of The Flying Warrior Yoga, Pilates and remedial movement training. Energetic rigorous training is achieved with dynamic sequences, stretches, strength training, and musculo-skeletal self adjustments, Hatha Yoga breathing techniques, training in self awareness, improved relaxation response, concentration techniques and meditation.
When health decisions are precipitated by a health or emotional crisis, Maggi offers support and supervision to help you focus on the long-term management of your emotional, physical and spiritual health and well being.
“It’s how I do this that makes your treatments unique and individual. You are cared about and for. I will train you in the art of self care and actualisation, then all your interrelated parts function in a smooth, fluid, orderly and seamless pattern.
“You will realise quickly your choices to be fully yourself, an individual of wholesome ability, beauty, gracefulness and power.”